
Climate action will be at heart of Scottish Greens conference

There has never been a more urgent time for climate action, say the Scottish Greens in the build up to their spring conference on Saturday.

Speaking ahead of a capacity event at the Golden Jubilee hotel in Clydebank, the Scottish Greens Co-leader, Lorna Slater MSP, is calling for Scotland to lead Europe in a fair and just transition. 

Lorna said:

“This conference comes at a crucial time for Scotland and for our planet. 

“Whatever happens next week, we will remain committed to the values that underpin the Bute House Agreement that put Scottish Greens in government for the first time.

“I’m very proud of our record. From free bus travel for young people to the ban on new incinerators, Scotland is leading the UK and delivering real change that is helping household budgets as well as our environment.

“As this week’s IPCC report made clear, climate action is utterly essential. As a major oil producer with a huge renewable potential, Scotland has a crucial role in leading Europe in a fair and just transition. 

“But we can’t do it while all of the most important powers remain with a fossil fuel addicted Tory government that is committed to the same failed policies that have done so much social and environmental damage.

“We can do better. With the powers of a normal independent country we can decarbonise our economy, end new oil and gas drilling and reform the broken energy market that has plunged so many people into poverty.”

More in 2023 Spring Conference