
Festive message | Lorna Slater

A festive message from Scottish Greens Co-Leader Lorna Slater.

For many the festive period is a time for celebration and family, but it is also a time for mixed and sometimes challenging emotions.

It's a period when many of us think of the people we love and care about and for things we are grateful for. But it is also a time for taking stock, remembering the people we have lost and thinking about the memories they have given us.

This year we have a particularly difficult backdrop, with wars in Gaza and Ukraine that will be in the hearts of many over this period.

Yet, despite the difficult circumstance, all across our country there is a spirit of hope that will always remain with us. It is a spirit that is evident in the everyday acts of kindness that are needed more than ever in these cold and dark winter days. 

The holidays may offer many of us the opportunity to relax, recharge and take a break. But for others, including those working in retail or in our emergency services, it is a busy working day away from those they love. 

I want to say a big thank you to everyone who is working to keep us safe. Every one of those doctors, nurses, fire-fighters, police officers and other vital service providers should be in our thoughts and given our gratitude.

It is their fortitude and care that allows us to be grateful for being able to spend time with our own nearest and dearest. 

For those who find the period hard, I want you to know that there are people who care. I hope that there are better and brighter days ahead, and I hope that 2024 has them in abundance.

For those visiting friends and family, I hope the wonder of the festive period is joyful for you as well as them, accompanied by laughter, hugs and fun.

It is those moments that we should treasure. If this year has taught us anything, surely it should be to live in the moment, to be thankful for what we have, and to look ahead with love and gratitude to 2024.

Happy holidays wherever you are.

Lorna Slater

Co-leader, Scottish Greens