
Kelvin meadow saved: Harvie welcomes ruling

Responding to news that campaigners have won the battle to save North Kelvin Meadow after the Scottish Government turned down plans for luxury flats on the site, Patrick Harvie, Scottish Green MSP for Glasgow, said:
"The decision to refuse a sell-off and preserve North Kelvin Meadow for the community has always been a no-brainer as far as myself and Green colleagues are concerned, but it is a measure of how wrong the direction of travel has been for planning in Glasgow that residents have been forced to fight for this outcome for such a long time.

“Local residents transformed the meadow from a derelict site into a community garden and civic space, with a range of community events and children’s activities making an invaluable contribution to the lives of residents. 

“It would have been a tragedy for Glasgow to lose such a valuable and beautiful space, so I am absolutely thrilled that the community’s hard work has finally been rewarded with this decision.”