
King's Speech will unmask Tories obsession for fossil fuels

Prime Minister's 'scorched Earth' approach to oil and gas at any cost impacting efforts on climate

The Scottish Greens are condemning the Tories for pursuing a “scorched Earth” obsession for fossil fuels amid a series of anti-science climate wrecking new policies to be introduced by the new King’s Speech.

As the nation grapples with unprecedented levels of poverty and hardship amid rising energy prices and environmental catastrophes, they say the archaic procedure will do nothing to help people or the planet hit net zero.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak already signalled a reversal on a whole range of net zero facing actions only last month. The speech will confirm that he will also double down on policies that will exacerbate the climate crisis too. 

Scottish Greens Co-Leader Lorna Slater MSP said: “The outrageous display of royal pomp and ostentation at the state opening of parliament is in sharp contrast with the harsh cost of living crisis for most households across the UK.

“After 13 years of misrule by Tory governments, we are living through the dire consequences of their brutal economic policies.

“From the two-child cap and rape clause to allowing unlimited bankers bonuses, it is clear that the Tories care nothing for those who are struggling.

“Meanwhile here in Scotland more than 90,000 children are being lifted out of poverty by the Scottish Government.

“Westminster needs to match our ambition to tackle poverty by looking at the action of Scottish Greens in Government with a £25 a week Scottish Child Payment, Free Bus Travel for Under 22s and rent cap, we are taking action to tackle the cost of living crisis.

“Rishi Sunak’s deadly climate climbdown is setting our future generations up for climate catastrophe.

"We know what action needs to be taken to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees, the simple scientific fact is that new oil and gas licences are a disaster for our planet's future."

“With Scottish Greens in Government we have already invested more than £30 million on nature restoration, secured record funding for active travel and began efforts to implement a carbon land tax and cruise ship levy.

“The climate vandalism in Westminster is a sharp contrast to the bold action that we are taking here in Scotland. We need urgent action now, and all he is doing is making that harder and harder to achieve.” 



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