
Polls show surge in support for Scottish Greens in Government

Steady progress since we entered government under the Bute House Agreement, it is part of a continued trend and hugely encouraging - Lorna Slater

The Scottish Greens welcomed the results of two new polls published tonight which showed an increase in support for the party. 

Scottish Greens Co-Leader Lorna Slater said:

“If these numbers were to be reflected at the ballot box they could translate into a doubling of our MSPs at Holyrood, and suggests that voters like what they are seeing from having Scottish Greens in Government.

“From the rent and eviction legislation currently going through Parliament, to free travel for U22s, work on creating new national parks, renewable energy, biodiversity, the circular economy and more, our influence and approach to progressive politics is hitting home.

“Compare this approach to that of the tear it down, only out for themselves rhetoric emerging from the Tory conference, and it is clear to see how our approach based around people and planet is being welcomed by increasing numbers of people up and down the country.

“Little wonder the numbers predict a wipe-out of Tories in Scotland - we can only hope. 

“Of course we always have to be cautious about polls, but coming after steady progress since we entered government under the Bute House Agreement, it is part of a continued trend and hugely encouraging.

“Coming as it does a week before our party conference takes place, it also reflects on the huge amount of work put in not just by MSPs and their dedicated staff, but all the volunteers, supporters and activists who make up the green family.

“Scotland is on the road to independence, climate is at the heart of all we do, and working to ensure a fairer, greener and more equal place to live and work is something more and more people clearly think are things worth voting for.”

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