
Rutherglen and Hamilton West can vote for radical action on climate crisis and poverty

Scottish Green will put people and planet at the heart of the Rutherglen and Hamilton West by-election.

The people of Rutherglen and Hamilton West have the opportunity to vote for bold and radical action on the climate crisis and child poverty, says Scottish Green candidate Cameron Eadie.

His comments come as a writ has been moved for the by-election to take place on 5th October.

Scottish Greens · Cameron Eadie on the announcment of Rutherglen and Hamilton West by-election date

Mr Eadie said:

“The people of Rutherglen and Hamilton West have the opportunity to send a loud and clear message by voting for the bold and radical action that is so urgently needed.

“We are in a climate crisis that is burning our planet and a cost of living crisis that is plunging families all over our country into poverty. We can’t go on like this. 

"When I've been knocking on doors I've been talking to people about our positive vision and the difference that even one Scottish Green voice could make in a broken Westminster system.

"We only have to look to the Scottish Parliament where Greens are delivering for people and planet. This is the change that is needed at every level if we are to have a liveable future.

"Instead, we have been stuck with one of the cruellest and most incompetent Tory governments in history, which Scotland didn't vote for, and a Labour opposition that refuses to even challenge them on the disastrous Brexit they have inflicted or the punishing two child cap.

“We can do much better. Every single vote for the Scottish Greens will be a vote for change, a vote for an independent Scotland in Europe and a vote for a fairer and greener future for Rutherglen and Hamilton West.”

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